Motivational Speaker

Learning to Appreciate the Value (and Opportunity) of Mr. Almost*

DATING and FEAR. What an unfortunately powerful combination. I wrote this some time ago because I felt a lot of women needed to hear this when I found myself in conversations dominated by fear time and time again every time the topic of dating and relationships came up. 

I share it today because it got picked up by Thrive Global and because I think it's time we stop thinking about dating as a zero sum game... where we equate time spent as time wasted if it doesn't lead to "THE relationship" we're looking for.

Screw that. Why not instead, take responsibility over ourselves, do the work to evolve, and allow it to be fun again shall we? Isn't that the whole point to begin with?

Curious? You can read the article here.]


The 3 Most Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before Trying to Tackle Your List of New Year's Resolutions... Or Anything, Really.

Chances are that you, like the rest of the world at this time of year, are taking some time to reflect and are thinking about your New Year’s resolutions and what you’d like to do differently next year… Good! Taking time for introspection and structured thinking is important. Before you get all gung-ho about putting your list into action though, won’t you consider the following three questions? In doing so, you may find answers you need but didn’t know you were looking for.

1. What does this list tell me about what I want to feel?

At the most basic of levels, we want the things we want because we’re under the impression that they will make us feel a certain way.

If you think about it from this lens, your list is more symbolic of what you’re wanting to experience emotionally than anything else. For example, many of us want ‘the house’ because we want to feel grounded and safe, ‘the body’ because we crave the feelings of confidence and acceptance from others, ‘the right job’ because it will enable us feel empowered and purposeful, and ‘the relationship’ because we want to feel connected and loved.

Identifying the primary emotions that you are wanting to experience is a useful exercise for two reasons. Firstly, it answers the ‘why’ behind your list while simultaneously helping you identify other avenues you can explore to source these emotions in your everyday life—making it easier to feel better more often and taking unnecessary pressure off of your list—cause you know, life happens. Secondly, it increases your chances of feeling ‘successful’ in your journey towards change… which in turn, does wonders for your motivation moving forward. Small, incremental changes are oftentimes more powerful than huge radical ones and having many little ways of sourcing a particular emotion can help you feel better as you learn to do better.

That said, sometimes finding or regaining balance is equal parts a proactive input as it is an elimination. Due to that, it is also useful to ask ourselves:

2. What are the things I will NOT do?

Instead of going down the path of things like ‘gluten’, ‘sugar’, ‘cigarettes,’ and ‘late nights on weekdays’ I encourage you to consider the question above and look a layer deeper. What DON’T you want to feel? What are the things that you do consciously or subconsciously that make you feel these undesirable emotions? How does bringing an awareness to these behaviors inform your conscious action moving forward?

In my experience, if you do this exercise thoroughly enough and begin prioritizing your emotional experience above all else, you may even find yourself re-writing your list of resolutions entirely! If not, once questions #1 and #2 are answered, the third and equally important question to consider is:

3. Who do I have to be to make this happen?

We live in an achievement obsessed world where we prioritize the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ over the ‘why’ and the ‘who’—not realizing that the latter two are the more important questions when we consider our long term personal fulfillment.

If your list includes things that you’ve never done before or that will stretch you in new and different ways, the ‘who’ you’ll have to be in order to achieve them is more important than the the actual goals themselves. Why? Because ‘doing’ is a by-product of ‘being’. Think about it, who you are determines what you do, when you do it, how you do it, and even why you do it.

We usually think of a goal and immediately go into planning mode to figure out how we’ll accomplish it before giving thought to why we want it in the first place (questions #1-2) and ‘who’ we’ll have to be to achieve it. In this case, consideration of the ‘who’ we’ll need to be is an invitation to step into a conversation with ourselves about our mindset—an opportunity to focus on the only place we have complete control over and the most impact. We can’t control life and the circumstances it brings. We can, however, control who we are (and therefore how we show up) when we deal with them.

Can you imagine if we focused more of our energy on just our ‘who' and decided to make that ‘who’ the present, empowered, inspired, discerning, disciplined, creative, flexible and open open-hearted version of ourselves?
In all likelihood, we’d not only have a better shot at fulfilling our New Year’s resolutions, we’d also feel engaged, purposeful, resilient, and ready for anything. Everything we’d do would be done by this more aware and intentional version of ourselves and would, in consequence, be better.

This is the true meaning of self-empowerment. This is where our lives begin to truly change.

This also takes us so much deeper and further than a simple list of resolutions wouldn’t you agree?


Photo by Jean Gerber on Unsplash

Introducing: Office Hours

I have exciting news y’all!

Before I give you the details though, let me create some context…

You see, the longer I coach that more I feel the need to make my coaching accessible to as many people as possible. I’ve seen time and time again the transformative nature of the work we do and would honestly love to help anyone who feels like they could benefit! Unfortunately, I can’t.

In late 2017, in order to expand the reach of my work, I established what I call the Karma Coaching Program. The idea was to help people get access to my coaching who were good candidates (willing/dedicated/eager) but who couldn’t afford what I charge. Within the last two years, I worked long-term with 13 people free of charge through the program and felt really good. Thing is, I want to do more!

…But I also want to honor myself and my time. So I got to thinking and came up with the following solution/experiment!

Introducing: Office Hours

From now moving forward, I will allot 3 hrs / week of my time to do 60 minute one-off coaching sessions on a discounted sliding scale pricing model ($50-$250) to make it more accessible to those not necessarily interested in a long-term coaching engagement or to folks struggling financially. Sessions will be offered and given on a first come, first serve basis and will be limited to 4 sessions per human.

If this sounds like something you’d like to try, shoot me a note! I’d love to chat and hopefully help you sort out whatever is on your mind. Please share this with your friends and anyone you know who could potentially benefit! I would sincerely love to help you or them to walk a little lighter.

In love and service,


Just Be A Friend To Yourself

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were as good a friend to yourself as you are to your friends? We did not too long ago, wrote this song, and felt compelled to share with you today. 

Special bonus? You'll get fully immersed in my Bali life right along the cicadas, chickens, and crafty neighbors.... 😉 As they say, sometimes done is better than perfect! We hope you enjoy and look forward to your feedback.


Say Hello to Our Youtube Channel!

Hello Namasme community!

It is with great pride that we announce our new Youtube Channel! This has been a long time in the making and we're very excited to share this very special project with you. This particular initiative is very near and dear to my heart because it means I get to flex my creativity muscle once again for work and I couldn't be happier! 

On our channel you will find everything from book reviews, vlogs, interviews with inspirational figures, lifestyle hacks, and original mini films created and produced by yours truly. The common theme? 

All content will be designed to help you find your happy!

Remember it's your life, they're your choices and nobody can give you your freedom but you--so keep a look out in the next couple of weeks for some original content, let us know what you think, and subscribe here.

Much love to you all and thank you for being a part of this new chapter!


