Grandma Green's Get Your Sh*t Together Experience Cycle #5
It’s back and better than ever.
With four successful cycles under our belt but wanting provide more value, we took some time to engage our old participants and asked A LOT of questions to see how we could improve this round of our signature group program. This effort translated into a new curriculum where we kept the oldies but goodies, tossed the mneh’s, and added a bunch of woah’s. To say that we’re excited to share it with you is a gross understatement! So, without further ado a little something to pique your interest…
Grandma Green's Get Your Shit Together Experience (GGGYSTE)
GGGYSTE is a 4 month group coaching program for 3-5 women who are looking for additional support and accountability in making the breakthroughs they need to create the life they want. The program has been designed specifically to target common 'problem' areas that traditionally prevent us from finding our true freedom: money, relationships, self-love, and work. Want the answers you need to create the shifts that you want in those areas? You'll get the clarity you need here.
Grandma Green's Get Your Sh*t Together Experience makes coaching accessible for those who don't have the means to pay for 1 on 1 coaching and still offers plenty of individual support. Working in a group setting you benefit from hearing others being coached and from sharing a difficult path with plenty of support from your coach and your peers. The results will speak for themselves but please understand that they will be determined by how much energy you put into the process.
• You 'know' yourself pretty well. You've done a fair amount of personal development work and are conscious of your past, aware of your actions, and the role that you play in creating your future.
• You're ready to invest in yourself. You understand that your future life starts today and are ready to put your money where your mouth is.
• You believe in action.Understanding is one thing, action is another. Generating change requires intent and focused action. This program has plenty of both.
• You seek improvements in all your relationships. You want to change your relationship with yourself, others, career, money, and time.
• You are looking for structure. A tangible plan to follow with the added bonus of having professional guidance along the way.
• You want some accountability. Results matter and it's easier to get them when you involve others, particularly professional Get Your Shit Together Ninjas like yours truly in your process.
• You're looking to connect with other people who are on a similar path. As people engage their emotional/mental/spiritual development, oftentimes they feel lonely because their friends aren't necessarily on the same page and they have nobody to talk to. Doing this work in a group setting eliminates that problem.
• You want to enjoy all the benefits of coaching for a fraction of the price of one on one sessions. Have you been interested in coaching but haven't been able to afford individual sessions in past? Are you new to this whole 'coaching thing' and want to dip your toe in the water before you dive into a full on individual coaching experience? Try this.
• You don't have the time and energy to devote yourself to this transformative process. This work isn't easy and requires a real commitment. The work has to be done for you to get results. Even though we'll work together virtually, there's no "phoning it in".
• You're not willing to get uncomfortable. Meaningful change occurs with the dismantling of old thought patterns and beliefs. The process is tough and can be draining. If you have parts of you that you're unwilling to explore, this isn't the group program for you.
• You're unwilling to share your process with others. This experience requires honesty, vulnerability, and open communication with 3-4 other people. If that's not your cup of tea, you may want to look into 1 on 1 coaching with Namasme.
• You're unwilling to laugh at yourself a little. This experience is tough but it can also be incredibly funny and was designed specifically for people who don't take themselves too seriously.
Grandma Green's Get Your Sh*t Together Experience was designed so that you can you can enjoy all of the benefits of coaching without breaking the bank and meet and grow with some wonderful people. You can expect to leave this experience with:
• A more empowered way of looking at your life
• A renewed sense of self and a deeper understanding of who you are
• An understanding of why the same patterns keep repeating themselves in your life (money, love relationships, family) and techniques for breaking those cycles
• A clearer idea of what you want and how to achieve it
• More self-confidence, connection, and overall satisfaction
• Less negative self-talk, overwhelm, frustration
• Insight into how you can improve all of your relationships
• New friends who you connect with on a deep level
• 12 weekly group sessions where participants will receive live coaching (60-75 mins)
• 2 individual sessions with your coach on months 1 and 3 of the program (retail value $300 each)
• 1 individual follow up telephone session 1 month after the program to keep your momentum going (15 min)
• 1 Emergency session with your coach should something come up where you need additional support. (15min)
• Weekly homework exercises designed to ensure you stay on track during our time together
• Access to a private Whatsapp group just for participants where you can source support from your coach and peers 24hrs/day, 7 days a week
• Unlimited email support from your coach
• Detailed Plan of Action at the end of the coaching engagement to set you up for success in achieving your goals
• Discounts on any and all future Namasme product offerings/events/retreats.
Needs deciphered - Virtually all the decisions that we make are determined by our desire to meet 6 needs. What are your needs, how do you prioritize them and how do they determine your experience? More importantly, how can you create a conscious shift knowing this information?
Inner critic - Meet, befriend, and re-employ your inner critic in a 6 step process that will revolutionize the way that you relate to yourself.
Who are you? - Experience yourself through a different lens. Get a taste of who you are through the eyes of others and connect with your greatness. You may be surprised as to what you find.
Radical acceptance and cultivating unconditionality - Learn how to accept and love the parts of yourself that you don’t like. Taking a look at your least desirable aspects can be challenging but oh so rewarding. Doing so in a safe container with plenty of support makes it easier to do but also will take a load off of your shoulders because you’ll let go of a lot of your shame.
Perception —> context: cognitive reframing— Context is determined by perception, yes. But what determines perception? Take a deep dive into how you currently frame your reality and learn how to change it in a way that puts you in charge moving forward.
Yin and yang - Understanding the different forces that govern our lives through an understanding of the Mature Masculine and Feminine archetypes. Relevant to note? This isn’t a conversation about gender. It’s a conversation about energy. Understanding and willfully employing these archetypes in your experience can be absolutely life changing.