The Beatles worded it best..HELP! I need somebody!
Women. We’re great at giving help…. Not so great at asking for it or receiving it. This usually makes us awesome mothers, daughters, sisters, partners, friends because we make time for everyone and oftentimes leave our needs for last. Let’s decode the reasons why asking for assistance and learning to receive are so damn difficult for the average woman and let’s share a little bit about our every day lives and where we could use a hand. Who knows, maybe what you need can be yours simply by putting it out there to the group! It’s time to put this collective brain power and magic to use!
To prepare, give some thought as to what area of your life you need a little help on. Are you organizing an event? Do you need to go to the gym more? Need contacts in a particular industry? Are going through a rough time emotionally? Whatever it is, be prepared to share and receive some assistance from your fellow Meufs! :)
See you then and remember to bring a snack or drink to share with the group.
See you soon!